
The videos displayed on this website are fictions featuring consenting adults who are fully aware of the incurred risks. Consider this site as a mean to fulfill a fantasy. Everyone is free to choose but still, protect yourself !
This site is designed for the use of adults only. It may contains content of graphic sexual nature. If you find this type of material. Personally offensive or if it is considered a violation of the Decency standards in your community, we ask that you leave the site IMMEDIATLY.

Small bet to the essential point about this website
Ericvideos does not encourage unprotected sex, nor he pretends to influence anyone's sexual practices. All the videos offered on this website display legal, consenting adults who are fully aware of the problems related to HIV/AIDS, STDs and the general risks associated with pornographic bareback videos.
Ericvideos discriminates between a young man, often adventurous or reckless, and an adult, fully aware and responsible of his own choices, wanting to take part in a bareback video. On a regular basis, we turn down requests of young men who want to engage in such practices without the necessary awareness. As a responsible actor and director, I think it is important, today more than ever, to remind everyone how crucial it is to be safe. And the best way to achieve safe sex is to use condoms.
This is the reason why all our models and participants join us in all awareness, informed about the risks associated with bareback sex. Their only motivation is experiencing pleasure in front of a camera in a production which does not encourage "no condom" practices but aims at showing what happens behind closed doors.
I'm encouraging all other applicants, who would like to participate to porn videos but want to remain 100% safe, to apply for other, more classic productions which are legion on the market.
As for the debate over the soundness of offering bareback porn to the public, Ericvideos would like to express his personal opinion
we consider pretty hypocritical to deny or denounce those sexual practices. We are only putting into the spotlight behaviors that are a reality and that should not be denied or hidden. These practices should be experienced openly, with complete information about the risks. censorship was never a solution.
Many people associate barebacking with morbid fantasies, especially in relation to HIV/AIDS transmission. This fantasy, even if it echoes a very unfortunate reality, is not and will never be our motivation.
Ericvideos would like to remind everyone that hiding, knowingly, one's seropositivity during unprotected sex is considered as an exposure to a harmful substance, a felony punishable by up to 15 years in prison, up to 20 years in the case of legal partners (article 222-15 of the French Penal Code).
We completely repudiate such fantasies and consequently, those practices that are deliberately irresponsible.
We don't share those fantasies, like most people who are practicing bareback sex. Once again, we do not make videos to give a model to follow but we refuse to be part of a hypocritical system because those practices are real. We trust your common sense and your ability to put things in perspective.
